The National Survey on Health and Disability (NSHD)

Using the National Survey on Health and Disability to Document Experiences of Americans with Disabilities

The National Survey on Health and Disability is an on-going survey of adults with disabilities that has so far been fielded five times: 2018, 2019/2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023/2024. It is scheduled to be fielded again in spring of 2025.

In 2024, we received new funding from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR project #90IFRE0089) to use the NSHD to assess the experiences of LGBTQ+ people with disabilities. We are also working with Washington State University to use the NSHD to understand the adverse health effects of medical ableism on people with disabilities (NIH project #R01HD116323). Finally, we are working with the Community Living Policy Center at Brandeis University (NIDILRR project # 90RTCP0009) to use the NSHD to better document respondent experiences with using personal assistance services.

The table below provides brief descriptions of the core domains of the NSHD. Please note that domain content sometimes changes from wave to wave of the survey and some additional domains (not listed below) are included as one-time only modules. If you would like more specific information about questions or items included in the NSHD, please contact Noelle Kurth at

DomainBrief description
DisabilityACS-6, open-ended disability item; has lasted or will last more than a year; age of onset; respondent self-categorized disability type
Health statusPhysical, mental and overall health; tobacco use, primary sources of care, frequency of routine medical care
TransportationAccess; types used
HousingType; stability of living situation; accessibility; problems (e.g. lack of heat, water, presence of mold, pests, etc.)
Community ParticipationLeisure and community activities; social isolation and loneliness
Personal Assistance Services (PAS)Use of paid and unpaid PAS; unmet PAS needs; PAS impact on employment
Public benefitsReceipt of SSI, SSDI, SNAP/food stamps, Section 8/HUD housing, child care subsidies, unemployment, LIEAP, TANF
EmploymentWorking for pay or self-employed; hours worked per week; employment longevity; income from employment
Current insurance coverageType (Employer-sponsored, Medicare, Medicaid, Marketplace, TRICARE); number of months with coverage in past year; use of Indian Health Services; out-of-pocket costs; adequacy of provider network
No health insurance coverageLength of time without insurance; reasons for no insurance; services needed but unable to receive; out-of-pocket costs
Unmet health care needsBy type of service (doctors, specialists, prescriptions, dental, mental health, DME, PT, OT, prosthetics); reasons for unmet need by type of service
Incomeindividual income from employment; household size; annual household income (based on % of FPL)
Demographicsage; SOGI; race; ethnicity; education level; marital status; parental status; living situation; veteran status; felony
Proxy completionType of proxy (family member, PAS, service provider, etc.); how proxy assisted respondent
COVID-19Access, results, date of most recent positive test; multiple infections; severity, long-term effects; availability of PPE; impact of stay-at-home orders and/or social isolation; vaccination status
Long COVIDdoctor diagnosed v. not doctor diagnosed; impact of Long COVID on usual activities (driving, sleep, mental health, fatigue, mood, caring for others. caring for self, etc.)


IHDPS staff working on this project:

Jean P Hall,

Noelle K Kurth,

Kelsey Shinnick-Goddard, Project

Funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR, #90IFRE0050 and #90IFRE0089)