NSHD Data Requests

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DATA USE AND AVAILABILITY: Data from all waves of the survey are currently being analyzed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from 20+ different institutions (the NSHD Data Analyses Team). These researchers obtained an NSHD limited data set (LDS) from KU-IHDPS and are conducting analyses on a variety of topics. The richness of the dataset lends itself to many varied analyses related to the impact of health policies and insurance coverage on the health, quality of life and community participation of people with disabilities, as well as social determinants of health for this population.

The NSHD data is available to other researchers at no cost by contacting the NSHD administrator, Noelle Kurth (pixie@ku.edu) and completing a brief data use agreement. Participation on the NSHD Data Analysis Team is encouraged by all who request NSHD data.

Findings from the NSHD have been and continue to be presented at national conferences (e.g. NARRTC, AcademyHealth, APHA, AUCD). Peer-reviewed journal articles continue to be submitted and published by researchers on the NSHD Data Analysis Team. Topics included in these publications and presentations to date include: intersectionality and compounded health disparities for people with disabilities who identify as LGBTQ+; Health Insurance Motivated Disability Enrollment (HIMDE); the impact of Medicaid expansion; trends in community participation, employment and social isolation in rural areas; profiles of use of paid and unpaid personal assistance services; inadequate provider networks and unmet health care needs among people with disabilities; disparities between adults with autism spectrum disorder in access to care and unmet health care needs; health insurance stability and its impact on care for people with disabilities. The analysis team's activities and access to the NSHD datasets will continue through 2027.

For more information about the NSHD, analyses using it and obtaining a limited data set, please contact Noelle Kurth (pixie@ku.edu, 785-864-7085).

Access NSHD Data Summary frequencies and crosstabulation figures for Waves 1-4.