Kansas Disability and Health Program
Kansans with disabilities can be healthy!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded the Kansas Disability and Health Program (DHP) for 2016-2021. The DHP helps improve the health and quality of life of Kansans with disabilities by increasing access to programs and services that promote healthy living. Download the Kansas Disability and Health Program description (PDF).
The DHP focuses on people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) and people with mobility limitations, but our mission is to improve the health of all Kansans with disabilities. The progam improves consumers’ access to and knowledge about three important health areas:
Oral Health
Physical Health
The DHP adapts and offers programs in these areas that have been shown to be effective.
Meeting a Need
People with disabilities need public health programs and health care services for the same reasons everyone does – to be healthy, active, and part of their community. In Kansas, about 25% of the population has some kind of disability, which often makes it difficult to live a healthy lifestyle.
Research shows that for Kansans with disabilities:
44% report fair or poor health.
Nearly 45% are obese.
Only 40% meet physical activity guidelines.
Nearly 60% smoke or use tobacco.
They are nearly six times more likely to report having had a stroke and three times more likely to report having diabetes compared to their non-disabled peers.
These facts make it clear that Kansans with disabilities need opportunities and support to improve their health. The Kansas DHP also addresses two related problems:
Kansans with disabilities have significant health disparities (poorer health) than their non-disabled peers.
Many public health programs are not accessible or do not include people with disabilities.
This website was supported by Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number DD000006 from CDC, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Disability and Health Branch. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC, NCBDDD, Disability and Health Branch.
Disability and Health Program Partners
- American Stroke Foundation
- The Arc of Douglas County
- Catholic Charities
- Disability Rights Center of Kansas
- Families Together, Inc.
- Fort Hays State Neuromuscular Wellness Center
- Health Literacy Kansas
- Inclusion Connections
- Independence Inc.
- Independent Connection
- Independent Living Resource Center
- InterHab, Inc.
- Johnson County Developmental Supports
- Community Care Network of Kansas
- Kansas Association of Centers for Independent Living (KACIL)
- Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities (KCDD)
- Kansas State University, College of Veterinary Medicine
- KDHE Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
- KDHE Bureau of Family Health, Children, and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN)
- KDHE Bureau of Health Promotion, Arthritis Program
- KDHE Bureau of Health Promotion, Cancer Prevention and Control Program
- KDHE Bureau of Health Promotion, Community Health Promotion
- KDHE Bureau of Health Promotion, Early Detection Works
- KDHE Bureau of Health Promotion, Injury and Disability Prevention
- KDHE Bureau of Oral Health
- KUMC Area Health Education Center
- Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department
- The Looking Glass
- Mosaic
- MS Achievement Center
- Multi Community Diversified Services (MCDS)
- Oral Health Kansas (OHK)
- Prairie Independent Living Resource Center
- ResCare
- Resource Center for Independent Living
- Self-Advocate Coalition of Kansas (SACK)
- SKIL Resource Center
- SLI-Topeka
- Special Olympics of Kansas
- Statewide Independent Living Council of Kansas (SILCK)
- Three Rivers, Inc.
- Topeka Independent Living Resource Center